Advancing Global
Ocean Colour

IOCS 2015 Presentations

IOCS 2015 Meeting

IOCS 2015 Presentations

Click on the link(s) under each session to view presentation materials in a PDF format.

NASA (USA) – Paula Bontempi

NOAA (USA) – Paul DiGiacomo

EUMETSAT (EU) – Ewa Kwiatkowska

ESA (EU) – Philippe Goryl

KIOST (Korea) – YoungJe Park

JAXA (Japan) – Hiroshi Murakami

CNES (France) – Marina Lévy

INPE/CONAE (Brazil/Argentina) – Milton Kampel

CSA (Canada) – Martin Bergeron

SOA (China) – Zhihua Mao

ISRO (India) – Prakash Chauhan

Craig Donlon – Seed Questions

Co-Chairs: Colleen Mouw (MTU), Astrid Bracher (AWI), Nick Hardman-Mountford (CSIRO)

14:30 Introduction and update from satellite PFT community activities Astrid Bracher (AWI), Colleen Mouw (MIT), Nick Hardman-Mountford (CSIRO)

14:40 Overview of satellite and model phenology intercomparison results Tiho Kostadinov (U. Richmond)

14:50 Modelling of phytoplankton composition – status and remote sensing needsStephanie Dutkiewicz (MIT)

15:05 Phytoplankton functional types in marine services Kimberly Hyde (NOAA, NMFS), Antoine Mangin (ACRI)

16:00 In situ observation capabilities and strategies for phytoplankton composition for use in development and validation of satellite PFT algorithms Heidi Sosik (WHOI) Report to Plenary – Colleen Mouw

Co-Chairs: Antonio Mannino (NASA GSFC) & Maria Tzortziou (CCNY)

Part I: The unique science and applications value of ocean colour observations from a geo-orbit

14:30 Introduction Antonio Mannino (NASA GSFC)

14:35 Advantages and challenges for geostationary ocean colour remote sensing Kevin Ruddick (RBINS)

14:40 Accuracy requirements on data products and their challenges Chuanmin Hu (U. South Florida)

14:45 Geostationary applications relevant to ecosystems and fisheries Cara Wilson (NOAA NMFS)

14:50 GEO-CAPE Ocean colour applications Maria Tzortziou (CCNY)

14:55 How geostationary ocean colour products could be applied to improve 3D physical- biogeochemical models Marina Lévy (UPMC)

Part II: Key issues and challenges to resolve for successful application of geostationary ocean colour data

15:20 Application requirements for geostationary ocean colour measurements Blake Schaeffer (EPA)

15:25 Challenges in GOCI data acquisition and processing Wonkook Kim (KOSC)

15:30 Geostationary atmospheric correction issues and future directions Ziauddin Ahmad (JHT / NASA GSFC)

15:35 Water turbidity retrieval from a geostationary meteorological satellite – considerations for future ocean colour missions Quinten Vanhellemont (RBINS)

15:40 Impact of multiple satellite samplings in a day on the study of phytoplankton dynamics ZhongPing Lee (U. Massachusetts)

Part III: Existing and future GEO OC sensors, challenges and next steps forward: Towards achieving a quasi-global geostationary OC constellation

16:30 Status of GOCI-II development Seongick Cho (KOSC)

16:35 Update on European prospects for geostationary ocean colour David Antoine (Curtin University/LOV)

16:40 GEO-CAPE ocean colour science and engineering challenges Antonio Mannino (NASA GSFC) Report to Plenary – Antonio Mannino

Co-Chairs: Part I: Kevin Turpie (UMBC), Emmanuel Boss (U. Maine), Part II: Stephanie Maritorena (UCSB), Frederic Melin (JRC ISPRA), Part III: Jeremy Werdell (NASA GSFC)

Part I: Theory and overview

14:30 Uncertainty definitions and theory Kevin Turpie (UMBC)

14:45 IOCCG/CEOS/GCOS context Frédéric Mélin (JRC ISPRA)

Part II: Surface reflectance uncertainty estimation methods

14:50 Synthesis of published methods and collocation approach Frédéric Mélin (JRC ISPRA)

15:00 Uncertainties from the Bayesian method Robert Frouin (UCSD)

15:10 Uncertainty propagationPhilippe Goryl (ESA)

15:20 Neural networks and Rrs uncertainty Roland Doerffer (Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht)

Part III: Derived product uncertainty methods 15:30 Status report on in situ uncertainties Emmanuel Boss (U. Maine)

15:40 Overview of methods for remotely-sensed IOP uncertainties Suhyb Salama (U. Twente)

15:50 Spatial, temporal, and content considerations for Level-3 uncertainties Tim Moore (U. New Hampshire) Report to Plenary – Kevin Turpie

Co-Chairs: Blake Schaeffer (EPA/Office of Research and Development) and Vittorio Brando (Italian National Research Council, CNR)

09:30 Introduction and overview Blake Schaeffer (EPA) and Vittorio Brando (CNR)

09:40 Uses and challenges of earth observation data for inland water quality: a GloboLakes perspective. Evangelos Spyrakos (U. Stirling)

09:50 Earth observation in support of reporting to European legislation on surface water quality; technical offers and uptake by users. Carsten Brockmann (Brockmann Consult GmbH)

10:50 Water quality assessment frameworks for the 21st Century. Connecting the dots and adapting to change. Tod Dabolt (EPA/Office of Water)

11:00 Development of a GEO global water quality monitoring and forecasting service. Steve Greb (Wisconsin Dept. Natural Resources)

11:10 Changing the global water quality conversation: from Earth observation to action. Francis Gassert (World Resources Institute) Report to Plenary – Vittorio Brando

Co-Chairs: Emmanuel Devred (U. Laval), Maria Tzortziou (CCNY), Toru Hirawake (Kokkaido U.), Antonio Mannino (NASA GSFC), and Rick Reynolds (SIO, UCSD)

Part I: Past field campaigns in Polar Seas: State-of-the-art, challenges, and gaps in existing datasets and remote sensing algorithm approaches

09:35 Environmental challenges for polar remote sensing: surface to top-of-atmosphere Knut Stamnes (Stevens Institute of Technology)

09:45 Bio-optical relationships in high-latitude seas Rick Reynolds (SIO, UCSD)

09:55 Space-based estimates of marine primary production in polar waters Kevin Arrigo (Stanford U.)

10:05 Using remote sensing observations to address the role of calcifiers in high-latitude seas Barney Balch (Bigelow)

10:15 Ocean colour algorithms and datasets developed within the framework of the GRENE (Green Network of Excellence) Program Toru Hirawake (Hokkaido U.)

Part II: Future oceanographic field campaigns in high-latitude areas, and needs for new remote sensing approaches and capabilities

11:00 The green edge project, tracking ice-edge bloom in a changing Arctic Emmanuel Devred (U. Laval)

11:10 Remote sensing of ocean colour in the Arctic using airborne hyperspectral sensors Heidi Dierssen (U. Connecticut)

11:20 “Arctic-ColourS: Coastal Land Ocean Interactions in the Arctic” – A field campaign scoping study funded by NASA’s OBB (Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry) Program Maria Tzortziou (CCNY)

11:30 “ICESOCC: Interdisciplinary Coordinated Experiment of the Southern Ocean Carbon Cycle” – A NASA OBB funded field campaign scoping study Greg Mitchell (SIO, UCSD) Report to Plenary – Emmanuel Devred[

Co-Chairs: Kevin Ruddick (RBINS) and Quinten Vanhellemont (RBINS)

09:30 Introduction to breakout session Kevin Ruddick (RBINS)

09:50 What new marine processes and features can be seen at 10m resolution? At 1m? Quinten Vanhellemont (RBINS)

10:05 What new processes and features can be detected in ports, estuaries and inland waters? Stewart Bernard (CSIRO)

10:20 Who are the future users of such data? Antoine Mangin (ACRI-ST)

10:50 What are the processing challenges … and opportunities? Chuanmin Hu (U. South Florida)

11:10 What new algorithms will be required? Nima Pahlevan (SSAI/NASA GSFC) Report to Plenary – Kevin Ruddick

Co-Chairs: Part I: Kevin Turpie (UMBC GSFC), Cecile Rousseaux (USRA GSFC); Part II: Maria Tzortiou (CUNY), Emmanuel Boss (Univ of Maine); Part III: Michelle Gierach (NASA JPL), Sherry Palacios (BAERI ARC)

Part I: Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Technology for Aquatic Environments

08:45 Introduction and overview Cecile Rousseaux (USRA, NASA GSFC)

08:50 Hyperspectral atmospheric correction Bo-Cai Gao (Naval Research Lab)

09:10 IOP and derived products from hyperspectral measurements. Steve Ackleson (Naval Research Lab)

09:30 Hyperspectral datasets for algorithm development Kevin Turpie (UMBC)

Part II: Hyperspectral ocean colour imagery and applications to studies of phytoplankton

09:45 Hyperspectral ocean colour imagery and applications to studies of phytoplankton ecology Astrid Bracher (Alfred Wegener Institute)

10:05 Hyperspectral remote sensing and applications to studies of the oceanic carbon pump David Siegel (UCSB)

10:25 Benefits and challenges of applying hyperspectral ocean colour imagery to monitor and understand ecological global and synoptic response to climate change Mike Behrenfeld (Oregon State U.)

Part III: Hyperspectral Studies of Coastal and Inland Waters

11:00 Hyperspectral remote sensing and application to phytoplankton biodiversity Stewart Bernard (CSIR)

11:20 Coral reef colour: Remote and in-situ hyperspectral sensing of reef structure and function Eric Hochberg (BIOS)

11:40 Remote sensing of water quality: Can hyperspectral imagery improve public health? Clarissa Anderson (UCSC) Report to Plenary – Cecile Rousseaux

Co-Chairs: Cara Wilson (NOAA/NMFS) and Paul DiGiacomo (NOAA/NESDIS)

08:45 What can we say about long-term changes in the ocean ecosystem as observed from space? David Antoine (LOV)

09:15 What have we learned about harmful algal blooms from ocean colour data? Raphael Kudela (U. California, Santa Cruz)

09:45 What are the challenges and opportunities for using ocean colour data for ecological forecasting? Marion Gehlen (LSCE/IPSL) Report to Plenary – Cara Wilson

Co-Chairs: Gerhard Meister (NASA,GSFC) and Bertrand Gougnie (CNES, France)

08:45 Introduction Gerhard Meister (NASA GSFC)

08:50 SeaWiFS Calibration Update – The story of less than 1 digital count Frederick Patt (NASA GSFC/SAIC)

09:05 Status of Aqua MODIS calibration and performance Xiaoxiong Xiong (NASA GSFC)

09:20Status of MERIS Calibration for 4th Reprocessing Ludovic Bourg (ACRI-ST)

09:35 Updates on OCM-2 calibration through vicarious and lunar calibrationsPrakash Chauhan (ISRO)

09:50 GOCI postlaunch calibration and GOCI-II pre-launch calibration plan Seongick Cho (KIOST)

10:05 HY-1B/COCTS calibration Xianqiang He (SOA)

10:35 S-NPP VIIRS on-orbit calibration for ocean colour applications Gene Eplee (SAIC)

10:50 S-NPP VIIRS calibrationJunqiang Sun (GST)

11:05 Challenges of system vicarious calibration for non-standard atmospheric correction Constant Mazeran (Solvo)

11:20 EUMETSAT calibration activities Ewa Kwiatkowska (EUMETSAT)

11:35 Future activities and organizational structure of the IOCCG Calibration Task Force Kwiatkowska/Meister Report to Plenary – Gerhard Meister

Co-Chairs: Antoine Mangin (ACRI-ST) and Xiaogang Xing (OUC/Takuvik)

08:45 Brief introduction (from IOCCG report to an emerging Bio-Argo program)Xiaogang Xing (OUC/Takuvik)

08:55 Satellite radiometric validation with VAL-Argo and hyperspectral floats Emmanuel Boss (U. Maine)

09:15 Complementarity between Bio-Argo and OCR Antoine Mangin (ACRI-ST)

09:35 Bio-optical product validation Emanuele Organelli (LOV)

09:50 Merged products of Bio-Argo and OCR Raphaëlle Sauzède (LOV)

10:15 Regional approaches of Bio-Argo at high latitude Nick Hardman-Mountford (CSIRO); Marcel Babin (Takuvik/CNRS) Report to Plenary – Antoine Mangin